Commercial Loan Officer Compensation | 2024

The world of commercial banking offers a lucrative career path, and commercial loan officers (CLOs) are key players in this arena. But how much do they actually earn? Buckle up, because commercial loan officer compensation can be a complex equation, but this article will break it down for you.

Base Salary: A Foundation to Build On

The average commercial loan officer in the US pulls in a base salary of around $126,764 []. However, this number can vary significantly. Entry-level CLOs, classified as Commercial Loan Officer I, typically start around $71,989 []. As you gain experience and climb the ranks (think Commercial Loan Officer III), you can expect your base salary to reach upwards of $255,645 [Comparably].

Bonus Power: The Performance Booster

Many commercial loan officer positions come with a bonus structure. This bonus is often tied to your performance, incentivizing you to originate a certain amount of loans or exceed specific targets. Bonus percentages can vary, but they can be quite substantial, reaching up to 18.55% of your base salary [Comparably].

Location, Location, Location: A Geographic Factor

Just like many professions, commercial loan officer compensation can be impacted by geography. Big financial hubs like San Jose, CA, tend to offer higher salaries, with CLO III roles reaching an average total compensation of $504,742 [Comparably]. So, if you’re chasing a bigger paycheck, location might be a factor to consider.

Beyond the Numbers: The Skills that Pay

While base salary and bonuses are important factors, don’t forget the role of skills in shaping your compensation. A strong educational background in finance, coupled with relevant certifications like the Certified Lease Finance Professional (CLFP), can make you a more attractive candidate and potentially command a higher salary. Additionally, honing your soft skills like communication, negotiation, and relationship building are crucial for success in this role, and can indirectly influence your earning potential.

The Final Verdict: It’s a Rewarding Career Path

Commercial loan officer compensation can be a healthy mix of base salary, bonuses, and the satisfaction of securing lucrative deals for your clients and bank. If you’re looking for a career that offers a balance of challenge, financial reward, and the opportunity to make a real impact in the business world, then becoming a commercial loan officer might be the perfect fit.

Commercial loan officer compensation calculator

Commercial loan officers juggle complex deals and client relationships. Their pay reflects that challenge, but it’s not a simple formula.

This calculator won’t predict your income with magic. But it can help you understand common compensation structures for commercial loan officers.

Here’s the gist:

Enter details like loan size and commission rate.

See how different structures (flat fee, basis points) impact your earnings.

  • Bonus: Factor in variables like experience and employer size for a more nuanced view.
  • Remember: This is a starting point. Actual compensation can vary depending on your specific role and performance.

Commercial loan Officer commission structure

Commercial loan officers (CLOs) don’t get a straight salary. Their income relies on their ability to originate loans, which means getting businesses the funding they need. So, how do CLOs get paid? Commission structures typically involve one of two main approaches:

  • Basis Points: This is a percentage of the loan amount, often referred to in “basis points” (bp). One basis point equals 0.01%, so a 100 bp commission on a $1 million loan would be $10,000.
  • Flat Fee: Some lenders offer a flat fee per loan closed, regardless of the loan amount. This can be attractive for smaller loans.

There can also be variations or add-ons to these structures. For example, a CLO might get a base salary or draw against future commissions, or there could be bonuses for exceeding loan volume targets.

The commission rate itself can depend on factors like the loan size, complexity, and industry. So, an experienced CLO who secures a large loan for a complex project might earn a higher commission rate than one who closes a smaller, standard loan.

Overall, a CLO’s commission structure incentivizes them to originate loans that are profitable for both the borrower and the lender.

FAQs: Commercial Loan Officer Compensation

Q: What is the average salary for a Commercial Loan Officer?

A: In the United States, the average salary for a Commercial Loan Officer is around $126,764 This is a broad range, though, and can vary depending on experience, education, location, and other factors.

Q: What are the different factors that affect a Commercial Loan Officer’s salary?

A: Several factors can influence a Commercial Loan Officer’s compensation. Here are some of the key ones:

  • Experience: Commercial Loan Officers with more experience typically command higher salaries. Titles like “Commercial Loan Officer III” reflect this, with a national average salary of $255,645 . Entry-level positions (“Commercial Loan Officer I”) tend to start around $71,989
  • Education: A bachelor’s degree in finance, business administration, or a related field is usually required for Commercial Loan Officer positions. An MBA or other advanced degrees may also increase earning potential.
  • Certifications: Certain certifications, like the Certified Loan Specialist (CLS) designation, can enhance a Commercial Loan Officer’s qualifications and potentially lead to higher pay.
  • Location: Commercial Loan Officers in major financial centers like New York or San Francisco often earn more than those in smaller markets.
  • Performance: Commercial Loan Officers who consistently originate a high volume of loans and meet performance goals often receive bonuses or incentives that increase their total compensation.

Q: Is there a commission component to a Commercial Loan Officer’s salary?

A: Yes, Commercial Loan Officers typically receive commissions based on the value of the loans they originate. This can significantly increase their total earnings beyond their base salary.


Compensation for Commercial Loan Officers can be quite lucrative, especially for experienced and high-performing individuals. Understanding the various factors that influence salary can help you position yourself for success in this competitive field.

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